Crowdfunding success: tips to help your campaign stand out and raise funds

SideKick Finance
5 min readFeb 7, 2023


Crowdfunding is a popular way to raise money for a new business idea or project. You set up a campaign and then anyone can contribute money towards it whilst having the potential to receive some kind of benefit in return. You can even crowdfund to raise money for a good cause too!

The crowdfunding space is pretty crowded. But today we’re talking about JumpStart, SideKick Finance’s latest no-code solution to launching NFT campaigns and collections.

JumpStart is a DeFi crowdfunding platform that leverages the power of Web3 technology to provide users with a secure and easy way to raise funds.

By using utility NFTs that are stored on the blockchain, users can benefit from the advantages of Web3, such as greater transparency, improved security, and the ability to easily track and manage funds.

Unlike traditional crowdfunding sites, JumpStart eliminates the need for a centralized authority, allowing users to trustlessly and securely manage their funds with the assurance that their transactions will remain immutable on the blockchain.

How can crowdfunding help you?

Crowdfunding is a great way to raise funds for your business if a loan from your bank isn’t an option. But, this isn’t the only reason why you should consider crowdfunding. By having a group of people invest in your business or project, you’re gaining potential customers, you’re building a community and you’re building momentum about your brand before it’s even launched. These are all important factors for future success.

Create a solid business plan

Before setting up your campaign, you want to have your business proposals solidified. Create these plans on the assumption that you are going to be fully funded. By having loads of information readily available and by sharing launch plans you will gain the trust of backers. At SideKick, becoming a trusted partner with the community is a part of our core values. This is the way!

Once you reach your campaign goal you will already be prepared to launch your business!

Research your niche

Carry out research for your business/project before launching a campaign. Look at what other people have crowdfunded for that’s similar to you. How is their campaign set up, were they successful, what made them successful/unsuccessful, what could you do different from them and what inspiration can you take from their campaign?

There are thousands of crowdfunding campaigns out there on all different platforms that you can check out. If want some further advice, feel free to reach out and schedule a 1–1 consultation with our team, this is a complimentary service.

Set a realistic goal

Once you’ve got your business plan and you’ve done some market research and maybe had your 1–1 consultation with us, you should have a good idea about how much money you need to raise.

It may be tempting to raise more than you actually need, however, you want to avoid the possibility of your campaign not being fully funded. Really think about the costs of your business or project and set a goal within reach. Think about your dream goal, a good goal and an absolute minimum goal.

On JumpStart you can create your goal and then set a soft cap. Reaching your funding soft cap means funds will be available to claim when the campaign ends. There is no limit to your NFT inventory.

Example. You might want to raise $10,000 to launch your new business with all the bells and whistles however you could have a funding cap of 80%. You would know that if you raised $8000 that would be enough to launch successfully but with a few things stripped back. But, you could have NFT inventory worth $100,000 if fully sold out. There is no upper limit.

Raise awareness

Raise awareness of your campaign before launching it. Tell everyone you know and everyone they know about your campaign before the launch. You can build some momentum and excitement leading up to the launch and that can propel you forward in your first few days of raising funds. Hopefully your friends, family and contacts will be your first backers.

This leads on nicely to our next tip…

Build a community

The best way to raise awareness of your business in 2023 is through social media. You can set up accounts for free and spread the word — if you want to spend money on ads you can but the beauty of social media is that you tell people things about your business without it costing you anything.

You should set up accounts where you think your target audience will be and where your product or service can be showcased effectively. Best results come from organic accounts and growth. Make sure to properly post and engage communities without coming off as “spammy”.

Example. If you’re publishing a book, TikTok could be a good place to start as they have a huge community of book lovers. If you’re launching a business service, LinkedIn is ideal as you can find loads of businesses and professionals on there. Try to build up one platform really well and then introduce others that are relevant to your brand.

Keep your community in mind

When setting up your campaign, think about the different ways in which it can benefit your backers.

Will they:

  • Own a unique NFT that will increase in value
  • Get a discount off your product or service
  • Receive monetary benefits later down the line
  • Get special access to your game
  • Be added as a special guest to an event

Entice your backers with something they’re genuinely interested in and you’ll be more likely to achieve your goals.

There’s no set timeline in order to achieve all of this. Only you and your team will know when you’re ready to launch your crowdfunding campaign. If you’ve achieved all of this already and you’re ready to launch, then good luck!

If you want to find out more about JumpStart, please visit our website or reach out to our team on our telegram community



SideKick Finance

SideKick Finance - Born from the community and for the community. Building tools and can give Heroes the boost they need to win.