We’re migrating Refinery to a new model!
Refinery was initially set up as a joint project between partners. The partnership then came to an end and a solution had to be put in place to keep Refinery running.
We acted quickly in an effort to keep Refinery at a good point for all investors. However, after some time for reflection, we now feel we have a much better solution for all of our Refinery investors.
What is the new plan?
In summary, Refinery as you know it will now be shut down. All holders will receive a SideKick utility NFT which will still provide ROI benefits.
Some key points to note:
- We closed the option for new deposits a few months ago because we felt that Refinery wasn’t at its most sustainable.
- Refinery liquidity is in BUSD which is now being retired so we wanted to consider this in our planning.
- As it stands, the only revenue source for Refinery is JumpStart meaning that it’s not the most beneficial for people who have been rolling since day 1.
- 10% of JumpStart profits are already going into SideKick NFTs, 20% was going to HFuel and Refinery. Now 30% will be going towards the SideKick NFTs.
How will it work?
We will calculate what you currently have held in HFuel in your wallets and the leftover HFuel max payout.
100mil total held in wallets + leftover max payout
500k in wallet + 500k left on your max payout = 1mil total = 1%
60k liquidity left = $600
Just like in Refinery, your balance of xSK determines your payout (i.e. the 20% coming from JumpStart, your xSK balance will determine the payout from the extra 20% coming from JumpStart)
All SideKick NFTs are tradeable on OpenSea and all major NFT marketplaces, meaning you have the freedom to make your own choice to stay involved with this new model.
What happens now?
On 27th February 2023, Cozz, our Founder and Developer, will close down the Refinery contract so no further transactions can be carried out. He will then refer to the contract and set up calculations for which tier of NFT investors will receive. Those NFTs will then be sent out to investors’ wallet addresses and will be available to view and trade on OpenSea or any other major NFT platform.
1. A snapshot will be taken before Refinery is closed, when is the snapshot?
The snapshot will happen on 27/02/2023
2. What happens if I don’t have the amount of HFuel to get 1 NFT? May I contribute to what is missing?
Dm the team on Telegram t.me/OfficialRefinery
3. If I have several Refinery wallets will they be considered separate or in their global HFuel value?
As it’s impossible to know who owns the wallets NFTs will be sent out 1 for 1
4. If I have at least 2500xSK giving me 365% of payout what is the minimum HFuel deposit to get 1 NFT?
This will be determined after the snapshot
5. May I buy HFuel or SK to increase my max payout before the snapshot?
6. The available balance will be lost if not refuelled after the snapshot?
Available and max pay are taken into consideration
We’re super excited to get this rolled out as we feel it will offer a much better benefit to our community and Refinery investors in the long run, which is what we strive for.
If you have any questions related to this new model, or about Refinery in general, feel free to reach out via our Refinery chat on Telegram.